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Winnipeg cops warn Jets fans to keep drones grounded at downtown festivities

Winnipeg police are urging Jets fans to leave the flying to the professionals during the team’s playoff run.
While Sunday’s Game 1 victory against the Colorado Avalanche featured a flyover by a pair of Royal Canadian Air Force fighter jets, fans attending the downtown Whiteout parties should keep their own aircraft grounded.
Police said they spotted numerous drones being operated above the thousands of hockey fans, and they’re continuing to investigate the owners — who police say they’ve identified.
We can HEAR these pictures 🗣
— Winnipeg Jets (@NHLJets) April 22, 2024

Private drone use, police said, is banned over crowds and public events, and scofflaws can get dinged with fines and other potential legal consequences.
The main concern is one of safety, as a crash or malfunction poses a risk to the public — but drones can also cause issues if they interfere with authorized aircraft in the area.
